Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So after countless attempts to stay focused I realized I might have ADD! I find myself starting to listen and somewhere down the line my mind just totally losses focus. I start thinking about lunch, sleep, that cute pair of shoes I seen in the mall and by the end I've totally missed everything that was said to me. And after thinking about it I can't even remember what my mind drifted off to. The other day I was given directions and I found that i was watching the lady talk to me and not hearing a word she was saying. try asking someone to repeat a whole list of directions cause you were thinking about a song you heard in the way in. After thinking about it I do this all the time. I get introduced to people and I am interested- really I am. I watch them tell me their names and something about them and then I realize I haven't listened at all. I find myself introducing other people to them just so I can hear them repeat the name I didn't listen to them say in the first place. Plus there's a good chance I didn't listen to it again :(

1 comment:

Tricharm said...

Shannon. See if you can be prescribed Ritalin. The Desperate Housewife episode made it look REALLY GOOD!