Tuesday, April 15, 2008

bring on the junk

I'm sitting here drinking water- I hate water by the way. What's the point of a drink if it doesn't even taste like anything? I know I know... it's serves it purposes and fills you up while hydrating you but honestly does anyone like this stuff? I'm only talking about water cause I'm trying to eat better and exercise- neither of which (by the way) is working for me. Summer is coming up and I wouldn't mind being in shape. Not to worry I don't think I'm obese or anything but it would be nice to be at a place I was comfortable with for me. Not to mention that my fitness level is probably a minus 5. Don't get me wrong I can still throw a ball here and there but I litterly find myself winded climbing a flight of stairs- not good. So I'm trying out this healthy living thing and it's not working. For every healthy meal I manage to consume I seem to follow it with about 4 lbs of junk. Why can't healthy food be fulfilling? And honesty anyone saying a serving of veggies helps to fill out up is lying. A chocolate bar and a coke is more fulfilling. For the longest time I followed my work out (I make it to the gym about once a year) with a big mac combo and drank 6 cans of pop a day. Now here I am heading to the gym twice a week, starving myself from everything I love, drinking water I hate and living a misserable life and for what..... I gained two lbs ;(

My Web U friend has a post

Suzanne posted a blog!


So after countless attempts to stay focused I realized I might have ADD! I find myself starting to listen and somewhere down the line my mind just totally losses focus. I start thinking about lunch, sleep, that cute pair of shoes I seen in the mall and by the end I've totally missed everything that was said to me. And after thinking about it I can't even remember what my mind drifted off to. The other day I was given directions and I found that i was watching the lady talk to me and not hearing a word she was saying. try asking someone to repeat a whole list of directions cause you were thinking about a song you heard in the way in. After thinking about it I do this all the time. I get introduced to people and I am interested- really I am. I watch them tell me their names and something about them and then I realize I haven't listened at all. I find myself introducing other people to them just so I can hear them repeat the name I didn't listen to them say in the first place. Plus there's a good chance I didn't listen to it again :(


Believe it or not this week was my first trip to Hamilton. I'm from Kitchener which isn't too far away- I just never needed to come here before. I hate the expressway so I charted out a country route to take in. Not bad but way too long. All was well until I actually got into Hamilton. My map said to stay on some street with a C until i found myself turning onto Main which was wrong. Turned around and went the opposite way. After driving too far I realized I was on the wrong street again. The cutoff that said Main was closed and I headed back around again. Took three different streets before finally asking a gas station attendant. Made to the destination only to find out I'd have to cross five lanes of traffic to get back out and the route I'd mapped was a one way. WTF???? Why is every street in Hamilton a one way? You have to drive like fifteen minutes to get back to the same spot! And the smell? What is with the smell of this city? Like garbage and crap. You can't even roll the windows down without nearly passing out. After web u and some shopping and I plan on NOT coming back to this dirt town!